Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Eating on the Go

One of my challenges as my kids are getting more involved in activities is that we are in the car more. The temptation is to stop somewhere to eat if we get hungry but being a frugal mom who is minimizing processed food, that makes no sense at all to me. So before we go anywhere, I always make sure we have water and some homemade bread and fruit and we are good to go. For a treat, I put Nutella on the bread - that tastes so much better than anything I could get in a drive-through. My goal is to always have enough food in the car so I won't ever feel like I need to stop and buy something that I don't really want to eat. I have always done this so my kids don't even know the drive-through is an option. If we will be gone during meal time, I pack the entire meal. For quick snacks, I used to do fruit snacks for the kids and granola bars for me but we've replaced that with real fruit and real bread. At some point, I will start making granola bars. No one seems to miss the junky food.


  1. This is such a great tip, Leslie! I need to start planning ahead like this. Landon has had fast food like once in his life, and I'd like to keep it that way. And, there is nothing better than fresh baked bread and nutella. Oh my!

  2. Danielle - when I saw you the other day, we had eaten all our bread and Nutella - I hadn't packed enough for all 4 of us which was why I was eating stale fruit snacks. I'm still working on gauging how much food to bring. So Landon doesn't eat fast food either? I thought my kids were the only ones. Vacations are always a challenge - the fast food gets old really fast after several days on the road.
